Do you have a piece of carpet lying around the house or in your garage? How about a small shovel? Then you might be able to get your vehicle out of a "stuck-in-the-snow" situation, all by yourself. Let's dig in Ark-La-Tex.
We've all seen them in Texas, but truly they're all around us. Terrible parking happens almost every day, but what happens when Lone Star Drivers notice it?
Feeling a little road rage these days? There are good drivers and then there are bad drivers no matter where you travel. Sorry, but I am going to get on my soapbox and let off a little steam on some drivers in Texarkana.
Lots of Americans eat well and exercise to ward off diseases like hypertension and cancer — but how’s your driving? Car crashes are among the leading causes of death in the US, and where you live could affect how much danger you’re in.
According to a new survey from Direct Line car insurance, guys get into more automobile accidents because they have a tougher time keeping their eyes on the road when traveling with an attractive woman. Finally! The proof we need for what we have always known.