Jammin On the Job

Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Some of us are still blaming our moms our dads for our short comings….for the things we didn’t know… the things we didn’t have.  When it’s not at all their fault. They knew what they knew.  People can only meet you where they’ve met themselves...
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
I talk a lot about passion and purpose because I'm just a passionate person.  I wanna win at life, and I want you to win at life as well. If you're like me, you wanna do IT ALL! Unfortunately, as gifted as you may be, you can't be great at anything if you're trying to focus on EVERYTHING...
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Four days from today (December 5, 1955), was the day of Rosa Park's trial for not giving up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. So, the African American community bonded together to stay off busses. In other words, they took a stand. Alexander Hamilton, the original person who said it better than I've ever heard it said...
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Don't let anyone knock your potential because buried inside of each of us are gifts that God put there... Books you haven’t written... Businesses you haven’t started... Clothes you haven’t designed... All things you were wired with the POTENTIAL to do...
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
When you operate in your GIFT, you don’t have to be at the head of the table. Wherever you sit or stand, the table and room will shift. TRUST ME! I KNOW! Let me give you my testimony that I still laugh about to this day. I was once looked over to speak at a big decision making table discussion for a college...
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
A major factor of growth is ENVIRONMENT. If you’re always at the head of the class, you’re in the wrong class. If you’re the smartest person in your circle or crew, you need a new circle. You have to sit at the table with winners....
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Never jeopardize what you believe for what someone else thinks. To thine OWN self be true….All day and every day! A lot of times we get in relationships, whether a friendship or companionship and lose ourselves. We’re so invested in making the other person happy that we forget what makes us happy...
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Mistakes are a very important part of your journey. We shouldn't just GO through life, but GROW through life. When I was younger, I'd make mistakes and more times than not, I'd beat myself feel like it was the END OF THE WORLD. As I matured and learned more about life and who I am, I stopped seeing my mistakes as the end of the world and started viewing them as the END OF THE ROAD...
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Take care of your inner man. We’re faithful to make up our exterior to look good but will walk out of  the house every day just looking dusty and decaying on the inside. Not sexy....  As I’ve said before…. You can pour syrup on something, but that doesn’t make it pancakes...
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Let your success speak for you.  You don’t have to respond to everybody. There are some fights in life that don’t require you to swing. So stop windmilling and FIGHT SMARTER, NOT HARDER! I was HER…. You come for me, I’M GUNNING for you...
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
The verdict yesterday regarding the murder of BreonnaTaylor broke my heart and I’ll be honest….it pissed me off. 1 of 3 police officers involved in the shooting were indicted. Not on a murder charge…. But for “wonton endangerment”...
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Celebrate yourself and do not despise small beginnings. Don’t listen to anyone who makes light of your accomplishments because those are YOUR accomplishments… matters not how small they may see them. If your goal Is to lose 30 pounds and you’ve lost two… CELEBRATE...

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