Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom #VOTE
Today is a very important day in history, and I need your help to make THIS day historic as we go out and vote to UNDUE a situation that we have allowed to happen over the years when we weren't voting. Why vote? You vote to better your city, your state, and ultimately your country. To my Black listeners, YOU vote because people died for your right to do so. People were beaten and even lynched for your right to be able to go to your voting location and cast your votes. You vote because now-a-days, we have good Samaritans who will come pick you up, drive you to your voting location and bring you back home. Whereas those who came before us had to walk several miles…. Often times JUST to get there and be told they were in the wrong place… Or they didn’t have the credentials…. Or couldn’t pass the test. And at the end of the day…. you vote because you complain. The only folks allowed to complain are those who actually make it to the polls and vote! Shame on you today if you do not exercise your right to vote! Throughout the day, I will share voting information with you.
- Make sure you're in line by 7 p.m.
- Make sure you bring one of the following photo IDs: A Texas driver's license, U.S. passport, Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS, Personal Identification Card issued by DPS, Texas Handgun License issued by DPS, United States Military Identification Card, Texas Handgun License issued by DPS, United States Military Identification Card containing your photo, or United States Citizenship Certificate containing your photo.