Gossiping about celebrities isn't just silliness, it can actually help you live longer.  "Celebrity gossip can make you more popular and much happier," declares Jean Delaparte, author of "Gossip, Gossip, Gossip Your Way to Mental Health."

Jean Delaparte says:

* Use gossiping about celebrities as a substitute for gossip about friends or co-workers.  "Gossiping about 'real' people can have nasty consequences -- gossiping about celebrities," says the expert, "is safe."

* Use gossip to connect with other people.  When conversation is lagging or you need an icebreaker, say something like:  "That Jennifer Lopez sure has a humongous butt."  You'll quickly establish common ground and make fast friends with just about anyone.

* Enjoy gossip as a leisure time activity. "While some people go to sporting events, others watch celebrities on TV or read about them," says Delaparte. "It's a pleasant activity."

* Soak up celebrity gossiping and get a reputation for being someone in the know.  "Having the latest word on somebody can be a kind of competition.  One person will say, 'Did you hear what Jay Leno said on TV the other night?'  Knowing the answer gives people status.  It makes them happy."

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