Kousin’s Potatoes Presents Register To Vote, Shop & Go!
Kousin's Potatoes invites you to come out this Saturday and get registered to vote, shop and win prizes.
Over 30% of eligible citizens are not registered to vote. Are you a part of that 30%? You have to be. This Saturday, Kousin's Potatoes is helping you find that voice by getting you registered to vote November 3rd in the upcoming presidential election.
The event will take place from 12- 6 at Ozan Iron Mountain Center located 1101 Couch Street in Texarkana. Looking for fun, food, live entertainment, AND an opportunity to register to vote, make sure you mark your calendars.
So come on our family and friends and let's make ourselves heard at the polls. Good food, music, great vendors. What more could you ask for. Oh and volunteers will be there to help prepare you to go to the polls on November 3.
We'll see you there, Saturday, September 19, 12 - 6 at Oxan Iron Mountain Center.
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