Monday’s Pearls of Wisdom
If you want to change something in your life, change something you do every day. Look at your calendar. Does your schedule reflect the things you SAY you want to change in your life? Success doesn’t just happen! Weight loss doesn’t just happen! Healthy relationships and lifestyles don’t just happen! You have to be intentional about it, and that requires discipline. It requires kickin’ your own butt into doing what you need to do even when you don’t feel like it. 'Cause here's the thing... on January 1, we were all on fire about the changes we would make in 2018. But how many of us were disciplined enough to actually MAKE that change? Over half the year is gone, and now August is lookin’ atcha like "WHERE YOU AT???" Change will never happen in your life until you start making adjustments and stop making excuses. Discipline is your ally!