My ultimate goal for myself, as well as for you guys, is ALWAYS to win. So, there are a few things I want to share with you that I’ve set in place in my life to help me win this year and bear fruit.
One of my listeners and I would venture to call her my homegirl posted on FB today and said...
"It's time to move unqualified folks from your life".
There's never a RIGHT time to remove 'unqualified people' from your life especially if you care about them...
Friends, you know I love to share with you the motivational words of wisdom and truth I read or listen to through audible. Recently I read The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith...
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered...
I’ve started over several times in various areas of my life personally and professionally. Beginning a new chapter isn’t easy. It can be down right intimidating to be honest. But one thing I've learned to keep in mind.... in all your choosing to begin again or to begin a new… ALWAYS choose to be chosen...
Four days from today (December 5, 1955), was the day of Rosa Park's trial for not giving up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. So, the African American community bonded together to stay off busses. In other words, they took a stand.
Alexander Hamilton, the original person who said it better than I've ever heard it said...
Let your success speak for you. You don’t have to respond to everybody. There are some fights in life that don’t require you to swing. So stop windmilling and FIGHT SMARTER, NOT HARDER! I was HER…. You come for me, I’M GUNNING for you...
I was reading this book by one of my mentors, John C. Maxwell titled “The 15 Invaluable laws of growth when this quote leaped off the page at me...
“Today is when everything that’s going to happen from now on begins. Focus on the moment”...
If you are a “FIXER” like me… or just somebody who loves to better others and keep the peace, this one is for you & ME. Some things you just gotta leave BROKE. Yeah I’ma Grammar nazi and I know “broKEN” is correct...but today we're talkin' talkin'.