When you ask God to fix your life and remove anything or anyone who shouldn’t be there (and we’ve all prayed a similar prayer). Neither you nor I get to determine how God chooses to do that.

Sometimes it’s not in the most peaceful way he chooses to remove something or someone from your life and feelings get hurt. I’m not an advocate for burning bridges, but there are some people who simply no longer need to be in your life. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a bad person, but their season is up. It’s time for you to move on into the NEXT season of your life.  However, now that God has answered your prayers, you still can’t move forward in life because you’re hung up on HOW He chose to do it.... how a person left you or how they did you. blah blah blah.. Let that go! Find your peace in knowing that God thought enough of you and your destiny to answer your prayer!! What difference does it make how He did it???

Those are your Pearls of Wisdom TK. WIN THE DAY!


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