To hell with New Year's resolutions! WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT? WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR 2018?
New Year's resolutions are over rated and never worked for me. It's cute. It's traditon and sounds good. However, typically by March the "New Year's resolution fire" has fizzled and we can't even recall what we were so on fire about on January 1. You know why? ....because they hype dies down and LIFE sets in. And the only way to keep life from robbing you of your purpose and destiny is to discover what your passion is. Passion is what's gonna get you out of the bed and put that extra skip in your step long after the New Year's hype has died down. So this week, ask yourself... What am I passionate about? What puts that extra pep in my step & makes me sing? What makes me cry? What ticks me off when I see it done wrong? When you can find the answer to those questions, you are well on your way to discovering what your purpose is in life.